• American Idol
  • The Mama Durant Project
  • Mi Casa
  • America's Big Deal
  • The Holiday
  • Legends of the Hidden Temple
  • Forever Love
  • Double Shot at Love
  • Cheering Again
  • First Dates Hotel
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Blue Collar Success Stories

A new anthology documentary television series is seeking Blue Collar Success Stories to profile the unbreakable American spirit, determination and hard work that lead to achieving the American dream.

People who stood up to skeptics, worked through tough times, and never lost sight of their vision. They saw what no one else could see, had the drive to go the extra mile when everyone else was afraid to travel, they poured their blood, sweat, and tears into a trade, craft, a business, and now these Blue Collar Millionaires are reaping the rewards and living the dream. This is the embodiment of spirit, hard work, true grit and it’s paid off in spades; blue-collar success stories.

Doron Ofir Casting is seeking modern day legends and millionaire success stories who have risen up from dirty jobs, labor intensive and traditionally blue collar or even menial careers. Service industry, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, manual labor, infrastructure or anything in between – If you’ve done it and risen up to the top, if you want to showcase what hard work can achieve, we ask you to submit for this upcoming documentary series.

America needs working class heroes, and there’s no more inspiring story than the self-made-success.

apply now at successcasting.com »