• American Idol
  • The Mama Durant Project
  • Mi Casa
  • America's Big Deal
  • The Holiday
  • Legends of the Hidden Temple
  • Forever Love
  • Double Shot at Love
  • Cheering Again
  • First Dates Hotel
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Now Casting: National Geographic Provocateur

National Geographic and Doron Ofir Casting are delving into the mysteries of lifestyles and exploring the communities, societies, clubs, secret lives and subcultures of those of you who aren't satisfied by the status quo.  We're interested in what you're interested in, and we want to hear your stories.  Selected candidates will have an opportunity to share the beauty of their fascination with a rapt audience on a documentary series showcasing the most unique and interesting among us. 

We are, each of us, our own unique creature, driven by our own desires and motivations, either falling in step or marching against the tide of society, announcing our true selves to the world or burying them deep beneath an acceptable facade, whatever the case, there may something about each one of us that the world at large may find fascinating.

We're looking for you, to hear your stories, to experience life in your skin, we can't wait to meet you, so please email us at [email protected] Please provide your name, age, location, contact information, and a description of you and your lifestyle.